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How to Register for an Open House

Click on any of the Upcoming Open House options below. Then complete the RSVP form on your preferred date to register.

You must RSVP to attend an Open House!

School Tour

Anami Montessori School 2901 Archdale Drive , Charlotte, NC, United States

Morning of Montessori – Toddler Series

Anami Montessori School 2901 Archdale Drive , Charlotte, NC, United States

Come be part of this interesting and informative discussion and bring your toddler along for a morning of Montessori as we discuss Montessori in the Home. RSVP Now For This Event  

Open House

Anami Montessori School 2901 Archdale Drive , Charlotte, NC, United States

  Please join us for a tour of Anami Montessori School on Tuesday, January 7 at 9:30 AM for an open house. Please RSVP on the form below. RSVP Now For This Event

Open House

Anami Montessori School 2901 Archdale Drive , Charlotte, NC, United States

  Please join us for a tour of Anami Montessori School on Tuesday, January 28 at 9:30 AM for an open house. Please RSVP on the form below. RSVP Now For This Event

Open House

Anami Montessori School 2901 Archdale Drive , Charlotte, NC, United States

  Please join us for a tour of Anami Montessori School on Tuesday, February 11 at 9:30 AM for an open house. Please RSVP on the form below. RSVP Now For This Event

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