Frequently Asked Questions
How do parents keep up with what their children are doing at the school?
Observing your child in the classroom is a wonderful opportunity to see him in his school environment. We encourage all parents to observe at least twice during the year. Parent/teacher conferences are held in the fall and spring. In between, parents and teachers often call one another and can meet as necessary. Parent evenings, scheduled throughout the year, are also very popular, effective ways for parents to learn more about the materials and how their children are taught. One of these evenings each year covers a specific aspect of the curriculum as a continuum: from the initial introduction at the primary level through the lessons in the elementary class. (Multiplication is a topic that was recently covered in this way.)
What opportunities are there for families to participate at Anami?
Anami places importance on being a welcoming school community and is fortunate to have an involved parent body. There are numerous opportunities to participate in the School community. In the fall, both Primary classes have a “picnic” where families bring a picnic supper and blanket for a fun evening of socializing while the children play. Twice a year the children and their parents come for the very popular “Saturday School”, an opportunity for parents to receive lessons from their children on the Montessori materials. Also scheduled are holiday visits to the classes in December, a book fair, parent reading, and end-of-the-school-year family picnic. As well, there are still more events announced as the year progresses (e.g., community service projects, occasional evening gathering for the parents, etc.). For more details, see the school’s calendar, downloadable from this website’s home page.
Is Anami an AMI-recognized school?
The school is fully recognized by the Association Montessori International. Annually, Anami receives its AMI Certificate of Recognition, the result of faithfully practicing Dr. Montessori’s principles. (For more on AMI, please see “AMI School Recognition” on this website’s home page.
What form of discipline do you use when needed?
Children happily engaged in their work seldom misbehave. When we make clear our expectations, the children rise to meet them. On the occasion when this is not so, a logical consequence usually prevents the issue from arising again. (As an example, if a child is disruptive, he may be asked to work next to the teacher.)